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FY 2026 LSOHC Draft Accomplishment Plans

Below, managers have completed DRAFT accomplishment plans for their programs reflecting the recommended amounts. These plans have not been approved by the council, nor have the recommended amounts been appropriated by the legislature.

Subd/Proposal Title Project Manager Organization Recommended Amount

Prairie Acquisition
2(a)/PA01 Martin County WMA Acquisition - Phase 9 Doug Hartke Fox Lake Conservation League, Inc. / The Conservation Fund / Ducks Unlimited $1,363,000
2(b)/PA02 Prairie Chicken Habitat Partnership of the Southern Red River Valley - Phase XI Sabin Adams Pheasants Forever, Inc. $3,690,000
2(c)/PA03 RIM Grassland Reserve - Phase VI John Voz MN BWSR $3,452,000
2(d)/PA04 RIM Buffers for Wildlife and Water - Phase XI Dusty Van Thuyne MN BWSR $4,092,000
2(e)/PA05 Accelerating the Wildlife Management Area Program - Phase XVII Sabin Adams Pheasants Forever, Inc. $4,974,000
2(f)/PA06 MN Prairie Recovery Program - Phase XIV Elizabeth Beery The Nature Conservancy $2,489,000
2(g)/PA07 Northern Tallgrass Prairie National Wildlife Refuge - Phase XV Chris McGrath The Nature Conservancy $3,742,000
2(h)/PA08 DNR WMA & SNA Acquisition - Phase XVII Jeff Tillma MN DNR $1,960,000

Prairie Restore / Enhance
2(i)/PRE01 Enhanced Public Land - Grasslands - Phase VIII Sabin Adams Pheasants Forever, Inc. $3,519,000
2(j)/PRE02 Accelerating the USFWS Habitat Conservation Easement Program - Phase V Logan Shoup Ducks Unlimited, Inc. / Pheasants Forever, Inc. $4,918,000

Forest Acquisition
3(a)/FA01 Minnesota Forest Recovery Project - Phase III Jim Manolis The Nature Conservancy $3,543,000
3(b)/FA02 Itasca County Memorial Forest Project Kory Cease Itasca County Land Department $2,782,000
3(c)/FA04 Hardwood Hills Habitat Conservation Program - Phase 2 Wayne Ostlie Minnesota Land Trust, St. John's University $1,803,000
3(d)/FA05 Camp Ripley Sentinel Landscape ACUB Protection Program - Phase XIII Shannon Wettstein Morrison Soil & Water Conservation District $2,233,000
3(e)/FA06 Minnesota Forests for the Future - Phase X Christine Ostern MN DNR $5,361,000

Forest Restore / Enhance
3(f)/FRE01 DNR Statewide Forest Enhancement and Restoration - Phase V Ted Dick MN DNR $2,601,000

Wetland Acquisition
4(a)/WA01 Wetland Habitat Protection and Restoration Program - Phase X Wayne Ostlie Minnesota Land Trust $2,918,000
4(b)/WA02 Shallow Lake & Wetland Protection & Restoration Program - Phase XIV Jon Schneider Ducks Unlimited, Inc. $5,803,000
4(c)/WA03 RIM Wetlands - Restoring the Most Productive Habitat in Minnesota John Voz MN BWSR $4,389,000
4(d)/WA04 Accelerating the Waterfowl Production Area Program - Phase XVII Sabin Adams Pheasants Forever, Inc. $5,238,000

Wetland Restore / Enhance
4(e)/WRE01 East Park WMA / Nelson Slough, Phase 3 Morteza Maher Middle-Snake-Tamarac Rivers Watershed District $1,578,000
4(f)/WRE02 Living Shallow Lakes and Wetlands Enhancement and Restoration Initiative - Phase XI John Lindstrom Ducks Unlimited, Inc. $5,729,000
4(g)/WRE03 Big Swamp North - Peatland Restoration Project Tracy Halstensgard Roseau River Watershed District $1,475,000
4(h)/WRE04 Accelerated Shallow Lakes and Wetland Enhancements - Phase XVII Ricky Lien MN DNR $2,565,000

Habitat Acquisition
5(a)/HA01 Cannon River Watershed Habitat Protection and Restoration Program - Phase XIV Jennifer Tonko Clean River Partners, The Trust for Public Land, Great River Greening $2,724,000
5(b)/HA02 Spring Road Conservation Project Terry Jeffery Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District $2,027,000
5(c)/HA03 Anoka Sand Plain Habitat Conservation - Phase 10 Wiley Buck Great River Greening, Minnesota Land Trust, The Nature Conservancy, Anoka Conservation District $3,599,000
5(d)/HA04 Integrating Habitat and Clean Water - Phase III Kevin Roth MN BWSR $2,753,000
5(e)/HA05 2025 St. Croix Watershed Habitat Protection and Restoration - Phase VI Marc White Wild Rivers Conservancy of the St. Croix & Namekagon, Minnesota Land Trust, The Trust for Public Land $3,257,000
5(f)/HA06 Mississippi Headwaters Habitat Corridor Project - Phase IX Tim Terrill Mississippi Headwaters Board, MN BWSR, The Trust for Public Land $2,832,000
5(g)/HA07 Southeast Minnesota Protection and Restoration - Phase XIII Wayne Ostlie Minnesota Land Trust $2,387,000
5(h)/HA08 Protecting Coldwater Fisheries on Minnesota's North Shore - Phase III Wayne Ostlie Minnesota Land Trust $2,187,000
5(i)/HA09 Metro Big Rivers - Phase XV Deborah Loon MN Valley Trust, The Trust for Public Land, Minnesota Land Trust, Great River Greening, Friends of the Mississippi River $6,949,000
5(j)/HA10 Minnesota River Watershed Habitat Conservation Program Brad Gordon Great River Greening $3,148,000
5(k)/HA11 Shell Rock River Watershed Habitat Restoration Program - Phase XIV Courtney Phillips Shell Rock River Watershed District $2,190,000
5(l)/HA12 Protecting Minnesota's Lakes of Outstanding Biological Significance - Phase IV Wayne Ostlie Minnesota Land Trust $3,209,000
5(m)/HA13 Shakopee Creek: Headwaters Restored; Species and Land Protected Margaret Johnson Kandiyohi Soil and Water Conservation $2,413,000
5(n)/HA14 DNR Trout Stream Conservation Easements - Phase IV Rick Walsh MN DNR $995,000
5(o)/HA15 Fisheries Habitat Protection on Strategic North Central Minnesota Lakes - Phase XI Annie Knight Northern Waters Land Trust $2,944,000

Habitat Restore / Enhance
5(p)/HRE01 Minnesota Statewide Trout Habitat Enhancement - Phase II John Lenczewski Minnesota Trout Unlimited $2,173,000
5(q)/HRE02 Restoring and Enhancing Minnesota's Important Bird Areas - Phase IV Alexandra Wardwell Audubon Upper Mississippi River $2,049,000
5(r)/HRE03 Fall River Restoration Robert Kimmel-Hass Cook County $1,348,000
5(s)/HRE04 DNR Aquatic Habitat Restoration and Enhancement - Phase VIII Dean Paron MN DNR $3,887,000
3(g)/HRE06 Moose Habitat Collaborative, NE MN Forest Habitat Enhancement - Phase V Scott Johnson The Ruffed Grouse Society/ American Woodcock Society $2,050,000
5(t)/HRE07 Rum River Corridor Fish and Wildlife Habitat Enhancement - Phase III Chris Lord Anoka Conservation District $1,356,000

6(a)/O1 Contract Management Katherine Sherman-Hoehn MN DNR $410,000
6(c)/O2 Restoration Evaluations - ML 2025 Wade Johnson MN DNR $168,000
6(d)/O3 DNR Core Functions in Partner-led OHF Acquisitions Jennifer Olson MN DNR $620,000
5(u)/O4 DNR Roving Crew - Phase III Greg Hoch MN DNR $12,642,000
5(v)/CPL Conservation Partners Legacy Grant Program Ph. 17 Statewide and Metro Habitat David Stein MN DNR $15,000,000